To uninstall AVG TuneUp from your PC, follow the steps in the sections below according to your version of Windows. 

Windows 10


  1. Log into Windows as a user with administrator permissions and ensure no other application or antivirus software is running on your PC.

2. Right-click the Windows Start button.User-added image

3. Select Apps and Features from the menu that appears.

User-added image

4. Ensure that Apps & Features is selected in the left panel, then click AVG TuneUp.

User-added image

5. Select Uninstall.

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6. If prompted by the User Account Control dialog for permissions, click Yes.

User-added image

7. When the AVG TuneUp Uninstaller appears, click Yes to confirm the uninstallation.

User-added image

8. Wait while the uninstaller removes AVG TuneUp from your PC.

User-added image

9.Once the uninstallation is complete, click OK.

User-added image

AVG TuneUp is now uninstalled from your PC.



Windows 8



1. Log into Windows as a user with administrator permissions and ensure no other application or antivirus software is running on your PC.

2. Press the User-added image Win key and X key simultaneously, then select Programs and Features from the menu that appears.User-added image

3. Right-click AVG TuneUp, then select Uninstall/Change.

User-added image

4. If prompted by the User Account Control dialog for permissions, click Yes.

User-added image

5. When the AVG TuneUp Uninstaller appears, click Yes to confirm the uninstallation.

User-added image

6. Wait while uninstaller removes AVG TuneUp from your PC.

User-added image

7. Once the uninstallation is complete, click OK.

User-added image

AVG TuneUp is now uninstalled from your PC.



Windows 7

 Log into Windows as a user with administrator permissions and ensure no other application or antivirus software is running on your PC.

2. Click the Windows Start button.User-added image

3. Select Control Panel.

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4. Under Programs, click Uninstall a program if you are using the default category view...
User-added image...or click Programs and Features if you are using the large/small icons view.
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5. Right-click AVG TuneUp, then select Uninstall/Change.

User-added image

6. If prompted by the User Account Control dialog for permissions, click Yes.

User-added image

7. When the AVG TuneUp Uninstaller appears, click Yes to confirm the uninstallation.

User-added image

8. Wait while the uninstaller removes AVG TuneUp from your PC.

User-added image

9. Once the uninstallation is complete, click OK.

User-added image

AVG TuneUp is now uninstalled from your PC.