1. Register your licence key to your AVG My Account.

2. Double-click the AVG TuneUp icon on your desktop to open the application.

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3. Go to My AVGMy Subscription.

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4. On the My subscription screen, click Log in to your AVG Account.

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5. Enter your AVG MyAccount credentials and click Log In. Alternatively, select Log in with Facebook or Log in with Google to log into your AVG MyAccount using your existing Facebook or Google credentials.

AVG TuneUp Activation 4

6. Check your subscription details for the connected AVG MyAccount. If you have any licenses for interchangeable products, you can click on a listed item and select an alternative license from the drop-down menu. Click Continue to return to the My licenses screen.

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Your AVG TuneUp subscription is now activated. The expiration date of your subscription appears under Subscriptions on this PC.

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Please contact our friendly Technical Support on +27 21 300 1468 or email support@silversd.com should you have any queries or require further assistance.

You can also visit www.silversd.com/support/ to view other instructions or to log a support request with our Product Specialists.