Thank you for contacting Silver Software Distribution Technical Support. Kindly follow the steps below to disable the pop-ups from AVG.

1. Open the AVG Internet Security shortcut on your desktop

AVG popup icon

2. In the top right corner click “Menu”

AVG popup menu

3. Select the “Settings” tab.

AVG popup menu 2

4. In the “General” tab, select the “Privacy” drop down at the bottom of the page.

AVG popup menu 3

4. Under “Privacy” disable the following,

  • Show offers for our other products
  • Show offers for 3rd-party products

Then press “OK” to save the settings.

AVG popup menu 4

Please contact our friendly Technical Support on +27 21 300 1468 or email should you have any queries or require further assistance.

You can also visit to view other instructions or to log a support request with our Product Specialists.